Saturday, April 02, 2005

I hate blogs

Or at least I used to. That is until Steve asked me to be a guest editor on his blog Games are for Children (where I'm known as LD). It is an interesting relationship and dating advice blog edited by single people. Surely I will continue posting there, however I realized there is a lot of stuff I want to talk about that doesn't really belong in his blog.

Anyway, a bit about me. I tend to get carried away with things (this blog could very well be one of them) and then forget about them. Some of the things did stick around for longer than expected are my participation in Wikipedia (where I'm known as Ld), and the forums (where I'm known as LoneDeranger). Besides that I like to come up with bizzare business schemes, usually once every year. Only once did it actually work and earned me around $3000, while I was still a senior in high school. Now I simply work at my stable job, but I know that another crazy business idea is just around the corner.

My personal life is just as weird. I had one long-term relationship with a girl for almost a year, which became a stunning example of failure after everything unraveled. I'm probably going to talk a lot about it later. And that's it. There were definatelly "unusual situations with women", but I never actually dated anyone else. Being 21, I think that is very unusual.


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