Monday, May 02, 2005

I'm Getting Anthropic on Myself

Why do I do the things I do? Because if I didn't I would not be here thinking and writing about them.

Really. That's the only way I find to rationalize my actions. Today I ran into a girl from one of my classes from a year ago. She smiled at me and said Hi. What a sweet person. She was one of the people I considered asking out before I asked out my now-ex. So we talked about a few things and then said bye to each other. Then I run into her again, what a coincidence! Again we talk, this time for much longer. It's great. And then it's time for me to go so I just say bye and go. Woohoo, we got a winner! Not.

Reasons why I didn't even ask her for her phone number:
  1. Does she even remember/know my name? I remember her's.
  2. It would be just totally out of context. I only talked to her for 10 minutes, now I'm asking her for her phone number?
  3. I don't really know her.
  4. I kind of like "that other" girl already (worst excuse ever, I know).
  5. The usual doubts about asking somebody out
  6. She's not my type a.k.a. I'm Just Not That Into Her
  7. More doubts as a side-effect of the recent breakup
  8. Why am I romantically interested in every women I meet? I should just relax and stop being so desperate.
  9. I'm not her type
  10. Am I nuts??? I am here to get a bunch of papers signed, not find a date!
So there, in case you are wondering why men aren't asking you out, here are just some reasons.

As far as why I should have asked her out:
The good thing is these sort of events are getting more frequent. It's good because sometimes I just loose it and "go for it". Didn't happen today, but stay tuned.


Blogger Karen said...

It's good because sometimes I just loose it and "go for it".

I'll be waiting excitedly [sits down in front row]. :)

You can't just say, "I'd love to talk to you more - want to go for coffee later?"

7:18 PM  
Blogger Ld said...

No. :)

See it's not like we were discussing the future of planet Earth, so it's not so important I would want to talk to her later.

Maybe I just live in a weird place, but here it feels like there is a huge gap between talking and doing.


7:36 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Well of course it wasn't earth-shattering - you were asking for the pleasure of her company, not the solution for world peace. :) It's a more casual way of saying, "I'd like to see you again."

You eventually get used to being forward. Even when I am single I still have to force myself sometimes. I'll sit there and think about what I'm going to say and ready myself and ready myself and go through it again in my head - no wait, that sounds dumb... Need to think of something else. How about this? No, too dorky. Okay, this is good. Okay, I'm going to do it, going to do it, oh look... he's leaving the room. Dammit!

Practice. I'm going to write a GAFC post about one guy who also blew it. Just tell me - how the hell do I get a space between paragraphs? :(

10:31 PM  

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